Thursday, June 12, 2014

Shaving creme art
What fun kids have with a dollar can of shaving creme and a bit of paint!
Some days I just squirt it right on the table, and let them finger paint.
This is a great way to clean your preschool tables. Other 
days I add 2 colors of paint to the shaving creme on the table
(for easier clean-up you can put the shaving creme on cookie sheets) and we
 learn about color mixing as they finger paint.The kids love making new colors. 
Then I lay a piece of paper on top of their paintings, let them press the paper and 
lift gently.They love to see the designs they made on the table appear on the paper.
 Today I gave them each a cookie sheet of shaving creme. I added florescent
blue and green paint. Then I gave them straws to carefully swirl through
the paint and shaving creme. After they were happy with their swirl design I 
laid white paper on top of the shaving creme and had them press it down. 
 What a gallery of beautiful pictures we have!
Supplies needed
shaving creme
cookie sheets
 white construction  paper