Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I love teaching the Passover story to my preschoolers! 
It's such a great reminder of Gods love for his people.
After story time I set up the art center with shallow bowls of paint
frog sponges and large white paper. To make the frog sponges I bought
 compressed sponges and traced a frog on each one, cut it out and wet 
the sponge. I  then hot glued them onto laundry soap cups or medicine
bottles so the kids have a handle to sponge paint with.
The sponges need to be fairly dry to hot glue on.Be sure to only
add a small amount of paint in the bowl for the sponges so they don't become
to full of paint.I showed my kids how to take the sponge  place it on their paper 
and gently press the frogs legs and head to create a sponge frog print. 
They wanted lots of frog prints just like all the frogs
 that landed in the Egyptians homes! I enjoyed listening to them
 retell the Passover story as they covered their 
paper with lots of frogs!

supplies needed
Frog sponges
green yellow brown tempera paint
shallow bowls for paint
white construction papaer

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