Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter blessings
I love scrap book paper so I am always looking for new ideas
for crafts that I can  incorporate scrap book paper into. Today we 
made Easter blessing pictures. They came out so cute! I did
a pinterest search for "Easter subway art" and found this cute 
print. I then did a Google search for flower templates and used
those for my pattern. I cut lots of flowers out as well as stems.
I cut and mounted the Easter blessing onto a yellow piece of construction 
paper, then glued that onto the green paper. I had the kids count out 5
big flowers and 3 little flowers and  they glued them above the words. 
This step gave them counting practice. They glued their flowers in place, and 
then counted out buttons for the center of the flowers. 
I used tacky glue for their buttons(they used glue stick for the flowers)
I added stems to the bottom of the pictures, one short one tall and had the kids
add tulips. One of my kids is Jewish so for his I printed "Happy Passover."
I am sure their families were blessed by their child's Easter picture!
Supplies needed
spring scrapbook paper
green construction paper
yellow construction paper
flower templates for pattern
colorful buttons
subway art print outs
glue sticks
tacky glue

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Empty tombs
Today we made empty tombs as we continued to learn all about Easter. 
I took heavy paper plates and cut them in half. Then I glued the the two halves
   together with tacky glue. It's best to do this the night before so they are
dry when the kids paint them. I also cut out stone shapes. Next
 I cut a small opening out of one of the plates and I taped a piece of black paper behind it. 
 A  hole punched  next to the cut out tomb opening will be to attach the stone
 to the tomb with a brad.  I don't add the stone until after
 the kids have painted the tombs and they have dried. I let the kids
paint their tombs. For an easier craft you can have them color the tombs.
While the kids paint their tombs we retell the Easter story together. After the tombs
 are dry we add the stone and foam flowers. I closed the tomb and
 let the kids "roll the rock away" and add a "Christ has risen" sticker.
Supplies needed
heavy paper plates
brown paint
paint pots and brushes
black paper
foam stickers
Christ has risen stickers

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Jesus prays in the garden
Today I started our Easter unit, and I started out with one of my 
favorite Easter crafts--tissue flowers and clear contact paper. It 
  makes a brightly colored "stain glass window".  The first thing I do 
is precut the flowers.I Google a flower template,cut it out, trace
it onto the tissue paper and cut lots of flowers out of lots of colors
of tissue. Walmart has a large package of assorted colors
that will last for lots of crafts! The next step is to cut clear contact
paper into rectangle shapes.For the craft you will be folding the paper in half so
the two sticky sides stick together to make a square. You also need to
Google a coloring page of Jesus  praying in the garden
and cut Jesus out. I cut four strips of black paper for each child
so I can build a frame for the finished craft.I just cut a 8x12 piece
of paper into the strips and trim off the excess after I have glued the strips to the picture.
Now the prep work is done it's time to make the gardens. I had my the kids color their
 Jesus and set him aside.Then I pulled half the backing off the rectangle
 piece of contact paper.The kids place their Jesus colored side down on
the sticky side of the paper. Be sure he is high enough on the paper so he's
 not covered by the frame.They then add the flowers. After they
 are done I carefully peel the rest of the backing off the contact paper and
 fold it over the tissue flowers and press down. I use a glue
 stick to put the  frame on and then I trim the  excess black paper.
I add a piece of ribbon in the center on the back of the frame to hang it with.
They  look so pretty taped on the arcadia door.
Supplies needed
Clear contact paper
assorted colors of tissue paper
flower templates
Picture of Jesus praying
black construction paper
glue sticks
For a Passover craft I did a pinterest search
for subway Passover art.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I love teaching the Passover story to my preschoolers! 
It's such a great reminder of Gods love for his people.
After story time I set up the art center with shallow bowls of paint
frog sponges and large white paper. To make the frog sponges I bought
 compressed sponges and traced a frog on each one, cut it out and wet 
the sponge. I  then hot glued them onto laundry soap cups or medicine
bottles so the kids have a handle to sponge paint with.
The sponges need to be fairly dry to hot glue on.Be sure to only
add a small amount of paint in the bowl for the sponges so they don't become
to full of paint.I showed my kids how to take the sponge  place it on their paper 
and gently press the frogs legs and head to create a sponge frog print. 
They wanted lots of frog prints just like all the frogs
 that landed in the Egyptians homes! I enjoyed listening to them
 retell the Passover story as they covered their 
paper with lots of frogs!

supplies needed
Frog sponges
green yellow brown tempera paint
shallow bowls for paint
white construction papaer