Tuesday, October 20, 2015

One of my favorite art activities to do with my kiddos
is done with coffee filters or paper towels and
washable markers. I love the tie-dye 
look when the project is finished! Today
we created tie-dye jelly fish. Using a coffee
 filter folded  in half  the kids colored all
over it with washable markers. I laid them on
a piece of newspaper for easy cleanup. Next
is the kids favorite part, they spray water all
over their coloring and watch the colors bleed
together. What gorgeous jelly fish! But they still need a face
 and tentacles. My gift wrap box had lots of ribbons and bows
so I cut up a bunch of ribbons for the legs,used big
googly eyes and let my little ones draw a mouth.
Be sure and let the coffee filters dry before adding the
tentacles,eyes and mouth. Our art table was swimming
in colorful jellyfish!
Supplies needed
coffee filters
washable markers
spray bottles
ribbon pieces
googly eyes
white glue

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